
Showing posts from 2012

Sum up!: The year of 2012 in books

'Daughter'-ly concerns

Le Festin

Pure white heat

One true pairing, four unlikely friends, some waiting

Uglies: Bonus round

A story about class and the upperclass

'Kit' & kin

The little Miss(es) Know-It-All

Anthems for a 30-ish comedy writer

'Waiting' ... and waiting ...

Miracle of 'Miracles'

A perfect specimen

Deceptively slight

Judge all you want

'Pretty' isn't just skin-deep

I finally have my own library card

Why I can't finish 'Milk Glass Moon'

'Literary' aspirations

A different school of thought

Getting along with Alice

Souls bound together

Fey wears the 'Pants' and she wears them well

The Weird Sisters