A perfect specimen

The third in the planned trilogy. 

Being a special means being stealthy, loyal, sharp, and superior to all others. As a part of New Pretty Town's elite Cutters, Tally has a chance to prove her loyalty to former/ex-best friend Shay. They work to weed out any outsiders - so-called Smokies who have chosen to forgo the operation that turns people into simple-minded Pretties. When Tally's old boyfriend David (a Smokey) invades New Pretty Town, the Cutters have an opportunity to trick some runaway Pretties into leading them to the new location of the Smokies. But Tally's concern for her Pretty boyfriend, the strong-willed but frail Zane, gets in the way of her ability to take orders from Shay, and it seems that the two of them are on the outs yet again. And what awaits Tally when she finds the Smokies' "hideout" will have a stronger effect on her and her perception of the world. Can she protect Zane and do right by Shay? Will she at last be able to choose for herself which side to fight on? And is there room for her to think beyond an Ugly, a Pretty, or a Special?

I don't know if there is a set combination of elements that make up a satisfactory ending. I would imagine that it would include meaningful character development, complex plotting, and a sense of conviction that pervades the entirety of the work in question. Most happily, Specials has all these in spades. 

After the first two better-than-average prequels, this book starts by hitting the ground running and doesn't look back. The plot is tighter and more focused, as is the complex bond between Tally and Shay. Part of the thrill is due to how Tally is working for the bad guys this time around; we the readers hope she will find the light, but at the same time her drive to fight the Smokies (and a couple of her reasons for doing so) is engaging nonetheless. This time around, she's more isolated than ever, and it takes an arresting scene in a padded cell and some straight talk from an unexpected source to figure out the role Tally must play. In keeping with the prequels, there are some great twists in store that reveal more about the world beyond New Pretty Town and the sinister Dr. Cable, not to mention a rather cruel fate for one of the characters in particular. The dichotomy of fate and free will is thrown into  sharper relief and adds new dimensions to both Tally's and Shay's characters. Epiphanies and redefinitions all around, and each one is powerful and poetic in its own way.

Exhilarating and endearing, it's an excellent way to end the series. Rating: 5 skintennas out of 5.


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